The Premier Mark Master Masons Lodge
Vaudeville Lodge (801)
It’s time YOU got involved!
Click for details of our 100 Year Anniversary meeting held on
Saturday 22nd June 2024.
About Us
Our Lodge Meetings are held on the: 2nd Monday in January (Installation), the 4th Tuesday in June and the 1st Monday in October and are held at The Grand Order of Water Rats, 328 Grays Inn Road, London, WC1X 8BZ. It’s undeniable that we have a number of members who are in the ‘public eye’, but we encourage you to join us for the camaraderie and to further your Masonic knowledge.
Below are some facts about us:
Annual Meetings
Annual Visitors
Event Schedule
We have a number of meetings planned along with some social events to which partners and non-Masons are welcome.
White Table
Our previous white table events have been a huge success and we look forward to you joining us at the next one. Please enquire below:
Grub in the pub
Drinks and a chat in a private area in our favourite pub in Kew! Should be a blast!!!
Lodge of Instruction dinner
Our Lodge of Instruction are planning a dinner for members and partners to get to know each other a little better. Click for more details:
Temple visit – London
Enjoy a leisurely tour around the sights of London followed by a tour of the Temple there and dinner afterwards in a cozy pub restaurant.
Temple visit – Bristol
Enjoy a leisurely tour around Bristol followed by a tour of the Temple there and dinner afterwards in a top restaurant.
Centenary meeting
We have enjoyed a number of amazing events over the last few years and have raised considerable funds both for the MS Society and Help for Heroes. We’re planning our Centenary meeting now, so please enquire below if you would like to join us:
You can keep up to date by subscribing to our regular newsletter published by our own Secretary. Just send us your email address and we’ll keep you informed: